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Motorcycle Wind Spinners

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Motorcycle Wind Spinners


For you motorcycle lovers we carry “flame” and “patriotic” Motorcycle Wind Spinners in three sizes (22”, 32” & 47”), for everyone’s budget and space consideration. When the wind spins, you can almost hear the twin engine on the 47in. Motorcycle Wind Spinners rev up. For the wanabee and the true enthusiast, these Motorcycle Wind Spinners will make the perfect gift. Motorcycle Wind Spinners will work for all gift giving, FUND RAISING or reward occasions. Strap a Motorcycle Wind Spinners on the back of your bike from the Canastota Gift Shop or order your Motorcycle Wind Spinners from the Online Store, you will be glad you did. Almost forgot the birds on a Motorcycle Wind Spinners. We offer a new addition for 2015 Motorcycle Wind Spinners, 37” “Chopper”.


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