Leprechaun : Petite Wind Spinner
Size: 16" by 9.5" diameter: 12.5"
A Leprechaun : Petite Wind Spinner is the perfect choice when price, size or large assortment is practical. When you display a Leprechaun : Petite Wind Spinner with other same class spinners it can be instructive A Leprechaun : Petite Wind Spinnercan be a fun educational tool for color, wind movement, storytelling, and the development of imagination in the young as well as the young of heart. I have personally used Leprechaun : Petite Wind Spinner as Birthday and Christmas Presents. With very little care a Leprechaun : Petite Wind Spinner will be enjoyed long after a card. Order your Leprechaun : Petite Wind Spinner TODAY from Canastota Gift Shop , alspals.net NOW !!! We are proud to feature Windgarden by Premier design as "The Best of Canastota Gift Shop" alspals.net