Dog High Wheel Bicycle Spinners
Size 24.75 by 31 in.Diameters 16.5 & 7 in.
Windgarden by Premier design featured by Canastota Gift Shop
Dog High Wheel Bicycle Spinners are full of color & vitality. The big wheel on a Dog High Wheel Bicycle Spinners is a visual delight. Classy & light hearted Dog High Wheel Bicycle Spinners is a spectacular addition to any yard or garden. A Dog High Wheel Bicycle Spinners is sure to delight all your neighbors. Canastota Gift shop, is proud to carry six other Dog High Wheel Bicycle Spinners. !!! Reserve (ORDER) your Dog High Wheel Bicycle Spinners from Canastota Gift Shop , NOW !!!
"We are proud to feature Windgarden by Premier design as "The Best of Canastota Gift Shop""