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Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners

windgarden-ongreen.jpg  suntex.png      Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners        suntex.png 


Large: 27"   Medium: 19"    

The kids young and old will fly off into a dreamland with these Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners. With two sizes and twelve total Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners, has something for everyone. Who would think that a Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners could act like a weather vain. An Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners mounted on fence post is quite a sight. Order several Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners to build your squadron of BIG fun. Several of the Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners strategically placed along the approach of a long driveway would be awesome. Let the wind blow and the Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners fly into action. Order your Airplane ( Pilot Pal ) Wind Spinners TODAY from Canastota Gift Shop , NOW !!!    We are proud to feature Windgarden by Premier design as "The Best of Canastota Gift Shop"